We Specialise So You Benefit

We don’t offer everything; instead we offer specialised training. While your goals determine how we train you, 99% of the time it will encompass cardiovascular training as well as resistance training. Why? Cardiovascular training helps strengthen your heart & reduce your blood pressure. Resistance training improves your metabolism so that you burn more calories when you’re exercising and resting. Put them together and you’ve got a winning combination! We specialise in these so you don’t have to figure out what, when and how to train.




3d illustration. White people with ideal weight and scale. Isolated white background

3d renderer image. White people lifting heavy weights. gym concept. Isolated white background

3d illustration: Execution Exercise, gym. Dumbbells, a block on

There are thousands of Personal Trainers who offer all types of training but specialise in none.

We deliver the above types of training through effective training programmes. We provide home-based and gym-based programmes so there’s no reason to not reach your goals.

For more information on each of our specialties, click the links above.

Otherwise contact us directly if you have any specific questions.


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