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Function of the Core

The main function of the core is to support, stabilize and manoeuvre your spine and pelvis. These run the entire length of the torso and help us to perform day-to-day actions like twisting left & right, bending side-to-side, bending forwards, bending backwards & standing up straight.  When training we focus on the upper, lower and side of your core.


Muscles of the Core

Male Image

  • Internal Obliques & External Obliques

Female Image

  • Rectus Abdominis (“6-pack” muscle)
  • Transverses Abdominis (situated behind the Rectus Abdominis)

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Core Exercises

Great exercises for Internal & External Obliques include:

  • Side Plank
  • TRX Plank Twists
  • Side Bends
  • Russian Twists

Great exercises for Rectus Abdominis & Transverses Abdominis include:

  • Sit-Ups
  • Front Plank
  • Hollowing
  • Flat Leg Extensions


TRX & RIP Trainers

These are training tools that give you a killer workout! They can be used absolutely anywhere – so long as you can anchor them, you can work out.

The TRX Suspension Trainer uses your own body weight as resistance. It can be used to work all muscle groups in a dynamic and functional way.

The RIP Trainer provides a powerful workout by engaging your core, improving your rotational power and range of motion, and provides a great cardio workout too.

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