Exercise Programme, Exercise Plan & Workout Plan
These terms are searched on a daily basis. Sometimes they can be self explanatory but other times not. One disadvantage is that these are set programmes that suit other people and not tailored to you. They do not take into account your current situation (injuries, health problems, equipment access, possible training times, specific goals etc).
If you are looking for a qualified personal trainer to help you set up your exercise plan to reach you goal(s) then we can ensure it is:
- Specific & personalised to you
- Measurable to see your progress & increase motivation
- Achievable, action-oriented
- Realistic, results-oriented, being focused on your goal(s)
- Time-based to suit your lifestyle and track your progress
An effective exercise plan is one that is planned and based on what works for you to achieve your goals.
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How To Set Up Your Workout Plan
If you’re looking for a workout plan to set yourself, then here is a WORKOUT PLAN TEMPLATE to start with. We recommend changing your programme every 6-8 weeks, to avoid a plateau.
This should take into consideration your current levels of fitness, strength, flexibility & endurance. Ideally the programme will be well-rounded and incorporate aerobic conditioning, resistance training, flexibility and nutrition.
3 important items used to set your plan are:
Having a goal is the most important thing so start by writing this down – the more detailed the better. “I want to lose weight” is a start but how much weight and by when? We believe 0.5-1.0kg per week is a safe and consistent amount of weight to lose. Anything drastic like 4kg or more per week maybe water or muscle loss – neither is good. A well-defined goal maybe something like, “I want to lose 15kg in 5 months.” or, “I want to lose enough weight so I can comfortably fit my size ‘x’ jeans within 4 months.”
As for the best time of day to train (am or pm), the duration and how many times per week, well that simply depends on how your body clock works and the type of training you are looking at doing. If you’re new to the gym then 45 minutes, 2-3 times per week is a good way to start as it gives you at least 1 day of rest between sessions. Your body needs enough time to recover from, and adapt to, each session. Insufficient recovery can lead to injury, lack of progress (even reversing what you’ve achieved) or loss of strength; we reckon “giving up” is highly likely too!
Your goals will ultimately determine what body parts need to be targeted, and in turn, this dictates what exercises are best. Cardio is great for fitness, making the heart & lungs more efficient, and burning fat. Resistance training is awesome for building strength, endurance and also burning calories.
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